Sound On) 미디블2 토탈워에서 개인적으로 가장 좋아하는 장면.mp4

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아가페무밍 |  2024-08-27 14:41:55 추천 비추 신고 목록  복사
The Holy Bible may preach peace, but when it is Christendom itself that is threatened, it is every Christian's duty to defend all that is holy. His Holiness the Pope has called a crusade to reclaim the holy lands from the infidel, who would deny Christian pilgrims their right to visit the holy places. It is time for the armies of Christendom to put aside their differences and unite under one banner, the sign of the cross, and give back God's children what is rightfully theirs or die trying.

십자군 선포 애니메이션
내 최애 장면임

* 출처 : 글쓴이 본인
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